Service Stations

Hours:16  hrs
Self/Full: Full


  • 101/91 Premium
  • 106/95 Super
  • 103 Diesel
  • 104 Kerosene
Phone No:2232 1801

Oula is like no other service station.

To make your experience with us quick, easy and enjoyable, our network is being upgraded to provide a range of services that go far beyond the petrol pump. Pull in and we will be able to offer light vehicle maintenance, technical check-ups, tyre, oil and lube change and the latest car wash facilities.

Queuing to pay is a thing of the past at Oula. Unlike any other service station, you can use any major credit card, in addition to Oula Card. As part of our serious commitment to the environment, we will be providing recycling facilities for aluminium and P.E.T. Other energy-saving initiatives will be developed throughout our network, such as our car wash facilities, which will use the most advanced laser jet technology to save water.